Credit cards are widely accepted. Same with traveler's checks, which is best to use in pounds sterling (avoided in this way, additional commission fees.)
Example prices in the UK: a loaf of bread - on average £ 1 a liter of milk - about 60 pence, 1 kg of apples - about 1.5 GBP.
Renting in London in a double room will cost about 200 GBP per week and more. Prices depend on location and standard of accommodation, often requires a deposit for 1, 2, weeks or months in advance. The current minimum wage per hour is £ 5.05 for workers aged 22 and above.
A weekly bus ticket in London costs £ 13.5; day - £ 3.5; a single journey - 1.5 GBP. Tickets for the metro and train are much more expensive, such as single Tube journey will cost £ 3 a week travelcard (on the train, metro and buses) on the 4 zones will cost £ 31.6.