Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Edinburgh Festival
It all started in Edinburgh, which is the capital of Scotland. Luckily it happened that at the same time take place in the Edinburgh International Festival. Then comes to town a lot of theater and music groups to present themselves at local theaters and streets. The city is visited by then many thousands of tourists from all over the world. The international nature of this festival is an opportunity to showcase their native culture. In addition to the kilcie Scot, playing in the kobzie can see people in the ethnic African clothes. All provide an atmosphere of fun, music can be heard everywhere. In addition to attending the event may be amused to see the tired tourists in the gardens of dozing off Princes Street. In the early afternoon on the Royal Mile, which leads to the castle, they begin to arrive in numerous bands and theater. It happened to us to chase one of these teams up the Royal Mile in the rain, because the members of the corpses looked like a group of Scottish soldiers of the sixteenth century. The fact that the twentieth century we have witnessed only the sun glasses on the nose of one of the players on the drum. Everything that happens on the streets of Edinburgh at this time, the Scots refer to as "fringe". In addition to the theater festival is also the Military Tattoo Festival, which ends with a spectacular military parade. Yet returned to Edinburgh for the final of the festival, which usually takes place in early September. Organized the spectacular fireworks display at the castle, which is painted in the night a thousand colors.